Friday, April 17, 2009

塞翁失马 焉知非福。

story goes. highlight urself. sth wrong wif the font colour leh

There is this old man who lived at the border of the northern frontier of China, raised horses for a living. One day his prized horse ran away into the nearby mountains. On hearing this the neighbours came to offer moral support to comfort him. He surprised them by not getting upset at all and said "Perhaps this may turn out to be a good thing".

Sure enough his prized horse return with a wild stallion and again news spread to the whole village and the neighbours came to congratulate him. This time the wise man replied "Perhaps this may not be such good luck after all".

The next day his only son tried to ride on the wild stallion but unfortunately was thrown off the horse and broke his leg. The neighbours again came to console him but he responded "Perhaps this may turn out to be a good thing".

Few months later a warlord came to town to enlist young able man for battle. The wise man's son did not qualify due to his handicap and almost all who went to the battle field did not return.

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